

  • The initial idea was to develop an umpiring software to help the work of umpire team with a database

    1. which is using the start list from the organizing committee as an input

    2. then during the event it is recording details of umpiring activities

    3. and finally the output of the software is storing the results of all race events, not only with respect of ranking and time results, but also any important comments, remark for the crews/heats.

  • For the stable functioning of umpiring application it is key to access start list, timetable, athletes and crew details in timely manner, including the information on changes made in last minute before race is starting, or changes happening during the race is ongoing.
  • Based on our experiences the organizing committees are using different approaches, different softwares to handle all information in managing competitions (different format of event list, entry list, different method of time keeping, different format of result list, etc). This is true specially for non-FISA events. FISA events are managed mainly by Swiss Timing.
  • As it is challenging to map the umpire program to all the variations, we are offering an organizing committee and team-manager component as well beside the umpire software, these could be used on rowing events not taken care of by Swiss Timing.


  • Mobility – using mobile equipments and internet connectivity, information is accessible either on the pontoons or in the motorboats or anywhere else around the course, works not only on pre-installed devices, anybody could use their own tools (smart phone, tablet)
  • Data integrity – using a central database all users are looking at and working with the same details (no misunderstandings from using different printed hardcopy versions)
  • Time factor – using internet connectivity any update is written into the central database within a few seconds, information sharing is significantly shorter compared to radio/phone communication
  • Environment friendly – making less printouts and generating less paper waste
  • Harmonized protocol – common format for online entries, common format for start list and result list, putting umpire duties and controls into a software protocol considering both the rules and the best practices
  • Less human error – the harmonized protocols and the almost immediate information sharing (time factor) support reducing number of human errors



Direct users:

  • Umpires

  • FISA committee members

  • Organizing Committee members

  • Team-managers

Indirect users:

  • Athletes, coaches, spectators, and the whole broader rower community – all of them are going to have benefit on indirect way from the smoother handling of competition and from easier accessibility to online startlist, changes and result list.


  • Input data needed from Swiss Timing’sprogram (For FISA events):

  • Startlist, Entry list (personal data, photos), Changes, Results

  • Umpire team education

  • Reliable WIFI connection

  • Technical equipments: notebook, tablet, smartphone

Next steps:

  • Acceptance of the new concept from FISA Umpiring Committee, FISA Event Committee

  • Agreement with Swiss Timing to provide data for umpiring program (when used for FISA-events)

  • Acceptance of the new concept of organizing committee and team manager components for the national events (for non-FISA events)

  • Select a rowing event for a „proof of concept” (testing the system in real environment)

  • Get all hardware equipments ready for piloting the umpire program on first regatta

  • Ø2013 April – Zagreb Croatia Open

  • Finish software development + testing activities

  • ØTargeted for Dec 31, 2013

  • Document program logic + prepare education materials

  • ØTargeted for Jan 31, 2014

  • Educate FISA international umpires

  • Target date TBD (To Be Defined)

Future Enhancement Opportunities:

  • Direct photo shot at embarcation (personal photo or crew photo), immediate save in database

  • Barcode usage (crew barcode, personal barcode)

  • Information to rescue team, direct call from umpire boat to rescue boat